1- The A to Z of common English errors– To download this book on improving your English with the A to Z of common errors click in this link.
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2- Dictionary in PDF for free for you to download for students learning English. Click in this link.
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3-List of Idioms from A to Z PDF free to download. Why do I need to use the book of Idioms A to Z?
An idiom is a phrase which you will not be able to understand understood just by looking at the words. You can start to learn them or you will never understand what the words are trying to say. This is a large list of idioms so when you come across one you don’t understand you will be use this book as a reference. Click on the link to download the list of idioms from A to Z.
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4- Basic grammar book PDF download for free – This book will help students learn about basic grammar they will learn about the following: 8 parts of speech, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. To download the book click on the following link.
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5- Basic grammar book 2 with exercises PDF download free – The second of learning English grammar books is slightly more advanced and will help students advanced from the first book basic grammar. The second books takes a more in-depth view of the following: 8 parts of speech, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Click on the link to download the basic grammar book 2
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6-Phrasal verbs list to down load in PDF – The List of phrasal verbs show all the verbs from A to Z and their meaning. Click on the link to download the list of phrasal verbs.
7-English grammar lesson on vivid verbs- To understand what vivid verbs are we have grammar lesson on what vivid verbs are and how to use them. To download the pdf on vivid verbs from A to Z click on this link.